Letter to the Editor
Lawsuit Abuse
This responds to Ron Gawronski’s Letter to the Editor entitled “Lawsuit Abuse”. The reason America is already great is because we have a right to trial by jury. This constitutionally protected American institution allows impartial citizens from our community to hear both sides of a dispute and render a fair and reasoned decision. The jury system works because each side gets to state their version of the case in an open and public forum known as a courtroom.
Mr. Gawronski, a GOP strategist, claims there is “lawsuit abuse, frivolous liability claims and a need for lawsuit reform”. Of course, he cites no statistics or factual basis; only these well-worn phases. Like “voter fraud”, there is no evidence that any of these imaginary problems exist or that they have a negative effect on business, commerce or people’s lives. These are simply talking points that the anti-consumer, tort reformers always regurgitate. Every year, these lobbyists and strategists come to the State legislature and try to impose restrictions on access to the courthouse. Simply put, they do not want the ordinary citizen to hold their clients accountable for the wrongs, harms and losses that businesses and other wrongdoers cause.
Remember, a jury hears both sides before rendering its verdict. Mr. Gawronski would like to take that right away from you. This way, he and his cronies can restrict your right to access to the courthouse. Jury service, like service in the military and voting, are all rights and duties that we as citizens share. Do not let Mr. Gawronski and others living in a fact-free world try to change what is great about our country; the right of a citizen to seek accountability.
Jeff Davis